Multi-role Assistance System

The CSN F9’s integrated Electronic Checklists System supports the crew during the whole flight:

  • Systems Configuration
  • Flight Sequencing
  • Flight Planning
  • Equipment Operation

The system relies on interactive dialogs displaying a sequence of items for the task at hand, and with associated audio callouts when relevant.

Electronic Checklists

For convenience the different checklists are grouped into main categories:

  • Flight Sequence:
    Systems and flight controls configuration for all phases of a flight (ex: departure, before and after maneuver…)
  • Flight Planning:
    Help and workflows related to the flight planning routines and tools.
  • Systems:
    Ship systems configuration sequences (ex: cold start,)
  • Reactor:
    Tasks specifically related to the fusion reactor (start, partial per section power down and up)
  • Cryo-Fluids:
    Tasks specifically related to the ship’s cryogenic fluids system.
  • Sensors:
    Configuration of the ship’s sensors and communication systems.

Pass / Fail Tests

Most items are associated with a logic test, evaluating to “true” or “false” based either on:

  • a user input,
  • the ship’s state as reported by the controllers = “sensed item“.

Checklists are marked “complete” when all their items pass. A checklist can refer to a child nested one.

User-Interface Help

Whenever relevant, a footnote provides contextual information on the item at the cursor location. If the item relates to a specific UI control clicking [🔎] will highlight the latter, and a double-click will center the view accordingly (across ship stations if necessary).

The following video demonstrates the use of the checklists system:

The application used to create the standard set of checklists is available in the ./Data subfolder. The checklists themselves are stored in the “Checklists.xml” file. Make a backup copy before adding new entries or modifying the default set!

Detailed ship systems and the intrinsic complexity of orbital mechanics require a control interface that may be difficult to get into. And so to help new captains take command of their ship and seasoned ones not forget about important steps, the ship is now fitted with electronic checklists.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cake

    look cool 😛

    1. David

      Thanks! There are many controls to learn so it would have been very difficult to get into the sim without in-game help I think.

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