Miscellaneous news
Twitch replay from Strava 95 (en français)
For visitors who speak French here’s a great replay from Strava 95 and with the most recent additions to the game and technical comments all along the way! 👨🚀🙂
(more…)Demo videos by Deephack (in English)
Deephack (YouTube channel) has just started a short series of videos demonstrating the game 👨🚀
(more…)Présentation d’ASG par Kabouik
Bonjour à tous les locuteurs françophones, une présentation du jeu par Kabouik est disponible ici sur le forum Hardware.fr 🙂
Why no Early Access
The question has popped up a few times now and I understand that the slow development process might feel frustrating.
(more…)Nouveau fil de discussion
… pour les francophones donc ! Forum de la Conquête Spatiale
Discussion thread
Hi,If you have any question or remark there is now an ASG thread at SpaceSimCentral. See you there! David