You are currently viewing DevLog 2024/02: Ionizing Radiations

DevLog 2024/02: Ionizing Radiations

The latest update models the neutron flux from the ship’s reactor and the ionizing radiations coming from the space environment. The ship is fitted both with active and passive shielding devices to protect the crew.

The CSN-F9 is a thermonuclear torchship, and although her fusion reactor does not produce many neutrons relatively to its power, without proper shielding the escaping flow would still be large enough to kill the crew near instantaneously.
To complicate things further celestial bodies also emit deadly ionizing radiations.

The following video presents the related models in the game, together with the ship’s protection systems to keep the crew in good health.

There are still a few systems to complete in the crew module but the development should soon start to focus on the gamification layer and on the ship’s military equipment.

Fly safe!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. A. B.

    Every video and blog post you publish, make me more and more excited to play this game! I can’t wait to get my grubby little claws on it and give you money!

    1. David

      Thank you for your interest in the project! 🙂

  2. Encran

    Same, cant wait. Some up to date teaser videos?

    1. David

      Ah I’m afraid that it still is a bit too soon for these. But your question makes me think that a feature summary could be useful as part of the reporting indeed, thanks 📝🙂

  3. dan

    Very exciting stuff. Some teaser videos would be great.

    1. David

      Thanks for your interest in the project. Just answered the question above, sorry for the low sampling rate 🙂
      But yes at this time a teaser would not properly reflect on the intended content while the game layer is still missing.

  4. Daniel

    Thats alright, im happy to wait. 🙂 with regards to the gamification, if i may ask, what sorts of things would one be able to do in the game, missions like search and rescue? Maybe defending against pirates?

    1. David

      The goal is to have operations inspired from IRL Coast Guards, so missions dealing with orbital support and safety indeed, customs, law enforcement… The initial plan is to have this implemented over “2 + 1” layers:
      – a set of tasks to be performed at any time (primarily surveillance, traffic checks and assistance)
      – dynamic missions (from basic “go there do that” ones to hopefully mini-campaigns against criminal networks, typically contraband)
      And so these would run on a set of internal tools that should be accessible from an external app to create scripted missions (hence the “+1”)
      As for pirates the ships in the game world are still governed by the rocket equation, which makes mass the main enemy of space flight. And so only the most precious goods and in general those that can’t be manufactured are physically transported across the galaxy. Also ships are extremely costly to operate so IMO in-flight criminal activities should be very “high profile” too.

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