Presentation and development videos

Below are videos demonstrating the game's main features at the current development stage. You might also want to navigate to the Universe pages for additional information and related clips.

To complete the dev reports here are great demo vids and replays from Deephack (Youtube) in English and Jay’s (Twitch, YouTube) in French.

Centralized Monitoring Systems

Flying NPCs

Orbital Traffic Control

Navigation sensors (ship positioning)

Electronic Checklists

Approach and docking procedures

“Cold and Dark” start-up procedure with electronic checklists

Using the integrated automatic flight planner

The CSN F9’s flight controls

Flying a jump

Dev log 2020 Q4: Work in progress on the NPC ships

Dev log 2020 Q2: Galactic routes and game world

Radio Communications (10/2019)

Collisions Physics (07/2019)

Orbital Rings (06/2019)